Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Technology, Society and Culture-Final paper

Technology, Society and Culture-Final paper

Q The primary focus of this assignment is to research and assess the issues associated with a specific emerging technology. The final product should include the following components. • A title page, including each student's name (individual submissions should include the submitting student's name highlighted) o In addition, student names should appear in the header of each page to identify which specific areas of the paper individual students completed. • An abstract • A table of contents • An introduction, including a clearly defined thesis statement (roughly one page) • An historical timeline that details key predecessors and ideologies foundational to the emergent technology that includes a written assessment on how these technologies influenced the development of the current technology (roughly two pages) • An analysis of the technology's influence on society considering all of the following components (roughly four pages) o Social o Cultural o Political o Economic o Environmental • An evaluation of the ethical considerations associated with the technology in relation to its impact on humanity (roughly two pages) • Concluding remarks that include concrete recommendations for future development, regulation, and ethical responsibility (roughly one page) • In text citations and a reference section in APA format • Appropriate statistical graphs or visual aids to support the paper

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