Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Technology & Presentations

Technology & Presentations

Q For this Discussion, I want you to discuss a time when you witnessed a technical failure in a speech. Reflect on the strategies the speaker used to modify the speech. Did the technical glitch jeopardize the speech? What other arrangements did the speaker have in place of or substitute with the technology? Mention instances or examples of technical glitches and provide "plan B" strategies & ways to recover in a speech. Remember to provide your answers as well as respond to a fellow classmate's post. Once you are ready to begin this Discussion, just click on the Reply Button below.

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When I was a high school student, everyone of the group had to deliver a presentation for the class of chemistry, that was an important presentation that we had to deliver a nice speech about the specific topic every one had. So, the proffesor told us that we were responsible of our presentations and the proper equipment to do the presentation in class, so he had a tv in the classroom, another friend brought a computer to connect it with the TV, s