Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Technical Object Description

Technical Object Description

Q You will choose your own topic (with exception of the not allowed technical objects listed in the previous section) for this assignment. The subject of your description must be a technical object (e.g., clock radio, digital thermostat, Roomba, CPAP machine, blender, food processor, etc.). Because you must accurately describe an object in at least 500 words, do not pick something too simple such as a paper clip. Choose a topic that is complex but manageable. Once you have identified a technical object, research it. Take time to learn about what the parts are called, and how the parts work. This might require you to read background information or otherwise inform yourself about the topic.

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The function of the clock radio is made with a purpose that it can serve both the functions properly. The radio is manufactured with hard cabinet with an alarm clock embedded in it is called clock radio. The clock radio is set with such functions that it can be turned on automatically according to the time set on the device. The tech-gadget like clock radio includes some feature which keeps the device stand separated in the market. There are two types of devices available in the market; one is wireless clock radio and other is the wire-attached one. This clock radio comes with some exclusive features and in the smart technology world it has acclaimed some positions.