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Survey research_Discussion 7

Survey research_Discussion 7

Q Some survey studies are actually interested in how people perceive their environment and will ask people how they perceive certain demographics of their community. For example, a number of surveys will ask respondents whether there are more Democrats or Republicans in their neighborhood. One study asked respondents to estimate the percent of their county that are immigrants, another asked what percent of the people living in their neighborhood were gay or lesbian. Often these questions are asked to see if those perceptions (whether accurate or not) influence other opinions. 'For example, several studies found If you think there are a lot of immigrants in your area, you are more likely to be concerned with immigration. Alternatively, there is evidence that if you are really concerned about immigration, you are more likely to overestimate the number of immigrants in your area. 1. So how would you answer if a researcher asked you what percent of your neighborhood is African American? 2. Do you think your estimate will be somewhat accurate or do you expect to be off quite a bit? 3. Why?: Do you interact with your neighbors? Do you walk around your neighborhood? Are humans good at estimating such things?

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A lot of people rather 30 to 35 percent of people in my area are African Americans. I do not assume that I am overestimating that because in our neighbourhood in LA every time a party happens or a campaign or something makes the things clear that there are about 50% of African Americans in every party. Not all of the African Americans are such who are immigrants, rather some are living in the same house for more than half a century and they have property also. I think that there is a lot of things are there which seemed to be accurate with the different aspects of experiences which I have had since childhood.