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week 2 Conflict Resolution paper


Q Conflict Resolution Paper By the end of Week 2, complete your Conflict Resolution Paper, and post it in the classroom. This paper should be in APA format. A great resource to complete this paper is the book When Bosses Go Wild, though, you are not required to use this book. Your paper should be 2-3 pages. (The page count is just a guide. Feel free to exceed the stated limit). Paper must include a Cover page, Abstract, Table of Contents, Appendix (see step 2 below), and Reference page. (These will not be counted in the page count). Step 1: identify a company. It may be in any industry, private, public, or non-profit. Either speak with the manager or research the company online to learn about the company’s culture and to gauge employee engagement. Step 2: rank the bad boss behaviors below from 1-12 (1 = worst morale killer, makes you consider quitting your job; 12 = still affects morale but better than the rest). The ranked list needs to be the Appendix at the end of your Word document. Step 3: after ranking the list, 1) describe the business; 2) perform an in-depth analysis of the internal conflict in the company you selected (i.e., what’s causing morale to decline); 3) discuss management theories that could be utilized to increase the organization’s efficiency and effectiveness; 4) how does the culture of the organization contribute to employee engagement; and 5) using the top 3 bad boss behaviors from your list, what recommendations would you make to the owner about resolving conflict between bosses and employees. All five sections in Step 3 need to have section headings (e.g., “Internal Conflict”; “Management Theories”): The Skeptic – does not believe that employees will do what they say The Comparer - compares one employee’s performance to another’s The Information Disseminator - does not share all the information to complete a project The Recognizer - slow to recognize employees The Know It All - does not have all of the information, but acts like he does The Late Night Worker - expects that because he checks emails after hours everyone on the team should also The Over Committer - tries to be the fix-all-Manager for the organization. The Creditor - takes credit for everyone's work The "Over" Talker - talks over everyone during meetings. Believes he has all the “correct” answers The Executor - rushes everyone through a project to check it off his list of things to do Talking Out of Both Sides of the Mouth – says one thing but means another The Conclusion Jumper – Has already made up his mind with the limited information

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For this week’s conflict resolution paper, I would choose the company Starbucks. The company was first founded in 1971 which was a single store in Seattle's historic Pike place market. They are passionate about their coffee and also provide a rewarding coffeehouse experience (Starbucks, n.d.). The company’s culture is quite noteworthy. Their motto is to expect anything more than just a cup of coffee (Starbucks,