Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Solitary Confinement DB_ Institutional Corrections

Solitary Confinement DB_ Institutional Corrections

Q 2. Research the use of solitary confinement online. Find and site an article/website at the end of your post. You could also use this as your tweet this week.3. How is solitary confinement used in the United States? What are your reflections or thoughts about its use? Is there an alternative that does not adversely affect the safety and security of the institution?

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Solitary Confinement or SHU is the place in the prison where an inmate is kept in isolation is he/she indulges in any infractions. The infractions include fighting with another inmate, insulting a guard or using contraband items. Isolation chambers are also in the US to manage gang wars and as a method of retribution for political activism. An inmate can be kept under solitary confinement for 22 to 24 hrs. There are also inmates who are in confinement for months and years.