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Review Question Chapter 1_History of United States

Review Question Chapter 1_History of United States

Q Why must historians rely on the work of archaeologists to write the history of ancient America?Why and how did Paleo-Indians adapt to environmental change? Why did Archaic Native Americans shift from big-game hunting to foraging and hunting smaller animals? How and why did the societies of the Southwest differ from eastern societies?What cultural similarities did native peoples of the Western Hemisphere share in the 1490s, and why?How did the conquest and creation of an empire exemplify the central values of Mexican society?

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Archeologists are people who mainly focus on physical objects for knowing the history like the bones, pots, baskets, spears, clothing, buildings, and jewelry. Historians on the other hand write history by focusing on the writings of people who wrote firsthand account like letters, speeches, newspapers, diaries, laws, and court cases. These written records cannot be trusted completely all the time. They can be biased as well. Historians should rely on the work of archeologists because they specialize in learning about people who does not write history by their own.