Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Revelation and Final Reflections


Q The book of Revelation has many depictions that help to define the book as Apocalyptic literature. While difficult for us to understand in the context of our lives and times, the imagery would have meant much more to the people of the day to whom John penned the letter. Through all the imagery idea of John's recorded visions the truth that God is in control is never lost and the outcome is He is victorious! Praise God! Since the time of John and his writing Christians have sought to understand the meanings and events of this book, especially the ideas of last days and the second coming of Christ. Our textbook gives us four main ideas (theories) of understanding the return of Christ and the events that surround this. Select the one of the four to which you hold most closely in understanding and explain the how and why of your thinking (Think back to the things Jesus taught in this endeavor). Your are to respond to at least on classmate posting. Initial posting are due by Thursday of session six. Responses are always due by Saturday at 11:59 pm of the weekly session of the assignment. Late submissions may be made up to 24 hours after the due date and time and are subject to 20% deduction. Contact the instructor whenever you will be submitting late work (use email or inbox messaging).

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I think that the Spiritual Interpretation is the most close in my understanding among the four theories. This is because I feel that the spiritual interpretation can only make Christians understand the true God in Jesus Christ and His judgment with mercy, forgiveness and love. Though the historical context/references cannot be denied about the different books of the Gospel/different gospels, there has to be emphasis laid more on spiritual interpretation of salvation. This is because in Revelation, there has been emphasis laid on trying to be in the support of God/Jesus. This support will be more spiritual than anything else. This is because those Christians in Christ (who will be following the word of God in the Gospel and repenting for past sins) will be spiritually in support of Jesus