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Reading Journal Live at the P.O.

Reading Journal Live at the P.O.

Q Reading Journal Instructions ASSIGNMENT: After reading "Why I Live at the P.O.," by Eudora Welty, please respond to the questions located at the bottom of this form. Due Date: Please see Weekly Syllabus. Format: Word-processed and double-spaced with each question-response numbered. Include the name of the story at the top of the page under your name. Length: Each written Reading Journal should be 300-400 words, or approximately one page to two pages, double-spaced. NOTE: Please number each reply to the following questions, and respond to each individual question in full sentences. (Do not write one huge paragraph for this whole list of questions, please.) Short story titles are always punctuated by "quotation" marks: "A Rose For Emily," "Cathedral," "Why I Live at the P.O." etc. READING JOURNAL QUESTIONS: 1. Who is the author? 2. What is the name of the reading? (Punctuate short-story titles in quotation marks.) 3. Describe a few of the several underlying social issues raised by the reading. 4. What is the author's angle? What is s/he arguing? 5. Provide 2 quotes to support the author’s argument from #4 (include page numbers or paragraph numbers). 6. Interpret what the quotes are stating. 7. Do you agree with the interpretations from #6? Why or why not? Share your opinion.

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1. The author of the short story “Why I live at the P.O.” is Eudora Welty. 2. The name of the reading is “Why I live at the P.O.” which is a short story written by Eudora Welty. 3. The human society has gone through major changes due to urbanization and a part of this has been highlighted in this story as a social issue. Perspectives and taking sides plays a significant role in any kind of society and this has been talked about in this story where all the family members were always supporting Stella-Rondo and not the Sister. It was this discrimination that made the Sister go even more berserk before she left the house before moving to the Post Office. Lies and identities have been talked about here also.