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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Quiz 4b

Quiz 4b

Q Question 1 1 / 1 pts For the hypothesis “If gun control laws become stricter, crime will decrease”, ___ is the independent variable (or X) and ___ is the dependent variable (or Y). Question 2 1 / 1 pts What is the independent variable in the following research question: “If inmates are visited more frequently, they will be more likely to follow prison rules, regardless of their gender or age”? Question 3 1 / 1 pts A ____ relationship between two variables is due to the influence of a third variable. For example, race often emerges as a predictor of crime involvement. However, the third variable not taken into account is the level of poverty stemming from racist policies like Jim Crow laws, redlining, and denial of GI Bill benefits to black World War II veterans (since many white families have built their prosperity through the investments in education and house purchases denied to black families during the post-WWII era). Thus, the relationship between race and crime is likely ___. IncorrectQuestion 4 0 / 1 pts Paul is interested in whether the number of anti-bias interactive educational/training sessions for police officers is related to subsequent reports of the police use of excessive force from citizens. Paul designs an experiment where one group of officers attends 1 anti-bias session, another group attends 3 weekly sessions, and the third group attends 8 sessions (weekly sessions for two months). Then one year after the conclusion of the sessions, Paul measures the percentage of officers in each group that have received use-of-force complaints from citizens in the previous 12 months. What is the independent variable in this study? Question 5 1 / 1 pts Same situation as in the previous question: Paul is interested in whether the amount of anti-bias interactive educational training reduces the use of excessive force among police officers. He designs an experiment where one group of officers attends 1 anti-bias session, another group attends 3 weekly sessions, and the third group attends 8 sessions (weekly sessions for two months). Then one years after the conclusion of the sessions, Paul measures the percentage of officers in each group that received use-of-force complaints from citizens during the past 12 months. By the way, it is not uncommon for experiments to have more than 2 groups (for example, 2 experimental groups and 1 control group or 3 experimental groups). What would make this study a true experiment?

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1.strength of gun control laws; criminal activity level 2.Frequency of visitation 3.spurious