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Qso-310 Module 7 Assignment

QSO-310 Module 7 Assignment

Q 1. The use of a ski-resort hotel for business conventions during the summer is an example of using the complementary service strategy. 2. The strategy of segmenting demand to reduce variation makes use of the fact that demand for a service seldom is derived from a homogeneous source. 3. Yield management is the process of allocating a fixed perishable resource to several market segments in the most profitable manner. 4. Work shift scheduling attempts to deal with the service utilization problem by controlling the demand for the service and partitioning it so that utilization is uniform5. When peaks of activity are persistent and predictable such as meal times for restaurants, off-duty personnel can be placed on standby to supplement regular employees.

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1.. (F)2.( T )3.( T )4.( F )5.( F