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QSO-310 Module 2 Assignment_ Management of Services

QSO-310 Module 2 Assignment_ Management of Services

Q Multiple Choice Questions (Service Strategy) Select the best answer. The quiz includes one bonus question. 1. The qualifier for an airline offering short commuter flights is: 2. Services can create barriers to entry by __________3. A personal training facility that is located in the exclusive Beverly Hills area with only one other competitor could adopt a service strategy that emphasizes ________.4. The nature of the service act depends on to whom or to what the service is directed and the degree of "tangibility" of the service provided. An example of a tangible service directed to the possessions of a customer would be:5. Which of the following is an example of the competitive use of information in generating revenue?

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1.b. Safety record 2.d. All of the above3.b. Differentiation4.d. A full-service car wash 5.c. Micromarketing