Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Project Management in Av Operations_Module 7 Assignment

Project Management in Av Operations_Module 7 Assignment

Q 1. What are some essential skills for an effective project manager? How can these skills be developed?2. What is meant by the term interpersonal skills? Give some examples of interpersonal skills, and describe why they are important.4. What are some barriers to effective delegation?

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Strong abilities of leadership are obtained by project managers who are effective. These consist of the ability for development of people; possess excellent skills of communication and excellent interpersonal skills. Therefore, it is required for project managers to manage issues at the time of their occurrence and possess the ability for new solutions’ development when the ones existing work no longer. It is required for them to look at the manner in which a project fits into the company’s overall strategy and should be ready to do whatever is required to be done.