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Professionalism at workplace_Discussion 7

Professionalism at workplace_Discussion 7

Q Unit VII Discussion Board Question COLLAPSE You are the middle manager of a company, and you recently received news that your company lost a major contract. Such a loss will directly affect your department by reducing the staff by 25%. You have six months before the layoffs take place. Your responsibility is to implement a program that will enhance the employees' careers by making them more marketable. While this is an unfortunate occurrence, it does occur. Great leaders take the necessary steps. Discuss your ideas for this type of program. What does it need to include? What does the program need to offer employees? How would you communicate this to your employees?

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The leadership position in a company needs to be responsible and compassionate. There are several personality factors that affect this “compassion”. Compassionate and responsible leaders can make great revolutions in the market. The organization has some value that relate to the customers, the stock holders, the media and the employees. The company needs to prepare the employees before layoff. Good leaders prepare the employees so that they become more marketable and it becomes easier for them to get a new job (Brockner, 1992).