Q Product Summary (40%): This document generates the specific details of your product or service. If it is a product-the exact size (height, length, depth, weight) and color are important details. How would it be shipped? What are the shipping and handling costs? Can it be bought individually or maybe there are monthly set ups? Are there any promotionals? If it is a service-promote the exact dates, times, costs, and service-Are there membership offers? Give an explicit payment plan. Target the audience and maybe offer discounts and promotionals. One Page (single spaced) -A product summary includes three paragraphs. First: List the benefits of your product or service to the customer. Second: The details, facts, and precise information. (For example, measurements, costs, dates.) You can use bullets for the above information. Third: Closing remarks: This could include the product’s track record and include past success rates. This paragraph can include “catchy” phrases or key words that would get your customer’s attention. Know your audience. Include contact information/web address/Instagram account/Twitter/or Facebook page. Make it easy for your customers to reach you. Sign the Product Summary. Final Suggestions: Learn and use tag lines, KEY WORDS, and “catchy phrases”. Know your audience and target their interests or needs. One Page (single spaced) -A product summary includes three paragraphs. Try to imagine the consumer's point of view. Why would someone need your service or product? How will they benefit? What benefit are you providing? Be as specific as possible. Format: All documents require 1" margins, 12 pt font, single spaced, and proofread. This means check for Capital Letters, Verb Tense, Singular Plural, Commas and avoid ambiguous language. In a separate folder there are two examples.
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