Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Positioning and Strategies

Positioning and Strategies

Q Using the situation analysis research, the students will develop the positioning and the strategies for their business. Positioning involves what the company does, who is the target, what makes the company/product different, and why is that important to the prospective customers. Strategies in all aspects of the marketing mix will be determined using the situation analysis research as rationale for the strategies. Positioning and Strategies: Students will address the factors of the marketing mix in their strategies and develop a clear positioning for the product. While the assignment will be delivered in a document from a supplied template the paper should be written using APA style. The assignment will include: • Target Profile (demographics and psychographics) - identifying who the target customer is and isn't. Concept of differentiation. Understanding of the 7P’s of marketing strategy. Marketing is more than promotion. Positioning What do you offer?Who are you for?How are you different?Why does that matter?

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The offered product is MacBook Pro13 from Apple Inc.I am the marketing manager of the company making a marketing plan for selling MacBook Pro13.I have tried to involve innovative and unique idea while making the marketing plan in order to attract a large number of consumers from Apple Inc. On the other hand, I also try to come up with trendy ideas for giving a tough competition to the comparator companies of Apple as well.