Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Collaborative Activity # 2 Tools of Persuasion


Q 1. This week you learned about tools and techniques used by advertisers to attract and persuade specific audiences. Your job this week is to show me you can apply these lessons to real life. Be sure you have watched the video called "Tools of Persuasion" before completing this activity. Those are the tools I want you to apply. 2. Option 1: CREATE AN AD 3. This is a good option for the creative types in the class. Create an ad that uses at least 3-4 of the "tools of persuasion" discussed in the video this week. The product you market can be as simple as a pencil or a paperclip, and the ad can be simple too. Your ad can be a photo, collage, drawing, or video. (Keep in mind if you're doing a video that there is a 100 MB upload limit on Titanium, so you will need to convert it to an MP4 file or upload it to youtube first.) My one request is that you do not make an ad that could be considered offensive to others or contains "R-rated content." Let's keep these ads PG, okay? No nudity, alcohol, or illegal substances please. 4. Post your ad on Titanium and write a short blurb identifying the specific tools of persuasion you used with a brief explanation for each one. 5. OPTION 2: FIND AN AD 6. If you don't want to create your own ad, you can find an ad that showcases the tools of persuasion discussed in class. The ad can be a print or web-based ad or a commercial. Like the "create-your-own" option, please no R-rated ads, no nudity, and no illegal substances. Post the ad you found on Titanium and write a short blurb identifying the specific tools of persuasion you used with a brief explanation for each one. 7. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: 8. By Friday at 11:59 p.m., upload the ad, along with the list and explanation of the relevant tools of persuasion. Regardless of the option you choose, I expect the ad to contain at least 3-4 different tools of persuasion that were covered in the class lesson. 9. By Sunday at 11:59 p.m., provide constructive criticism and feedback on at least ONE peer's contribution. For example, do you see any additional tools that they missed? Do you disagree with your peer's interpretation of any of their examples? Continue the conversation in a meaningful way.

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The advertisement found by me has been on the brand named Geico in This web-based advertisement is persuasive because it makes emotional and logical appeals to the audience to switch to this brand from any other brand they have been using. There is the phrase “saved hundreds of dollars” used to create an excitement in the minds of the members of the audience to try the brand.