Student Solution


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Personal Reflective Essay

Personal Reflective Essay

Q Review the content of Ch. 3 regarding various factors that “draw people together”. Reflect on those factors that you find attractive in a potential romantic partner. If you have a current romantic partner you can center your response to this journal reflection on that partner. What factors (characteristics) draw to you (or pull you away) from a potential romantic partner? Do you have a “type”? If so, explain the characteristics of a person who represents your “type”. In what ways (if any) might the factors that guide your mate selection potentially impact communication and relational quality? In other words, how might the manner in which you select a mate (in terms of qualities that you find attractive) predispose you to certain communication and relational successes and challenges? (600-900 words).

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The main factor which I consider at the time of finding a romantic partner is the nature of that person. A person has to be very friendly and open-minded to be my partner. A potential romantic partner does not mean only to be by the side of the partner all the time. Rather, a partner has to understand me. I am admitting that I am basically an introvert person and I generally take some time to be friendly with another person. In case the partner is also such introvert, there will be a low chance of communication.