Q Objective To be able to describe how large Avogadro's number is. Instructions This week you read through several websites containing analogies on how large Avogadro's number is. For this discussion, I want you to come up with an analogy describing how large Avogadro's number is - in terms of a common household object you own. For example, if a mole of hair dryers were lined up end to end, how far will it go? If the state of California were covered with a mole of Hershey's kisses, how deep would the layer of kisses be? The number of examples is endless! For this discussion: 1. Come up with an analogy describing how large a mole is, in terms of an object you own. 2. Show all relevant calculations (using dimensional analysis) to justify your analogy. Provide citations for and list all reference data used in your calculation. 3. Explain the scale of what you calculated - as best as you can. (In my example I used the distance from the earth to the moon to provide scale for how high this stack of paper is.) 4. Engage in a meaningful discussion with two of your classmates on their examples. Example: The Big Island of Hawaii is 4028 square miles in area. If the Big Island were covered in 1 mole of standard weight printer paper, paper would cover the entire island 2.20 million miles thick! • 20 lb paper has a thickness 0.0040 in (ref (Links to an external site.)) • Dimensions of paper: 8.5 in x 11 in (area of a sheet 935 in2) • Area of Big Island, Hawaii: 4028 mi2 (ref (Links to an external site.)) (6.022×1023 sheets)(935 in21 sheet)(1 ft12 in)2(1 mi5280 ft)2(1 layer4028 mi2)(0.0040 in1 layer)(1 ft12 in)(1 mi5280 ft)=2.20×106 mi For comparison, the distance from the earth to the moon is 240,000 mi. This stack of paper could stretch from the earth to the moon (and back) 4.5 times! Whew!
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