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PBS God In America 5 The Soul of a nation _Introduction to Religion

PBS God In America 5 The Soul of a nation _Introduction to Religion

Q • Watch God in America, Episode Five, “The Soul of a Nation” (about an hour). A link to the video is in this week's module. • Write one or two paragraphs that summarize the episode. What was its main point/s? What in the video supported that main point/s? • Write one or two paragraphs that reflect on the episode. How did it connect to what you already knew? What questions did it raise? What did you learn? Of what value is what you learned?

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Religion and politics have often been intertwined and used by people as per their needs and in this video, we come across such people who connected the two, but in their unique ways, to reach out to the people with the intentions they were charged with. Graham had the simple agenda f propagating religion and faith to bring the nation back to the image and reality when things were right. This was facilitated by the Cold War, which had begun after the victories of World War II had just ended. In fact, he found support in Eisenhower and Nixon,