Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Organization Communication Week 7 Discussion 1

Organization Communication Week 7 Discussion 1

Q READ THE CASE AND ANSWER THE BELOW QUESTIONS "What Do You Mean I'm not Going to Graduate?" case study, page 435-436 1.What are the communication problems in this case?

Q 2. Who is responsible? Why?3. Is Jane approaching the problem correctly? Why or why not?4. What should the Head of the Committee do?

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The communication problems in this case seem to arise at every level of the participants. The first problem is with the university and its inability to communicate about the changes in an efficient manner. Important information such as these should be communicated in a more secure way and not just put on a bulletin board. I think official mails should have been the perfect way to communicate. Secondly, the advisor was also at fault for communicating wrong information to Jane about the requirements of graduation.