Student Solution


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2 Subjects

One Discussion Three Questions

One Discussion Three Questions

Q Discuss the following questions: 1. What is the nature and scope of “care” you are ethically obligated to give your employees? Specifically, what are the characteristics of that duty? To what extent should you “care” about your employees? Use examples to clarify and justify your point of view. 2. Does the nature and scope of care change when your agent is not an employee but an independent contractor? Why? Why not? 3. How will you respond when that ethical duty conflicts with your legal duty to care for the principal? Give a specific workplace conflict to illustrate your point.

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The care which is being provided by the company to its employees are likely to fall into different categories. First, care in terms of rewards, in this probably the rewards are being given on the basis of good performance but in these instances proper care should be taken when reprimanding any employees for their misdemeanors as well as for their penalty system on the basis of seriousness of the mistake they seemed to have committed. This is actually required for treating wrong things as it is believed that performing wrongfully usually plays a significant role in demotivating the other employees to work better for the company (Sitkoff, 2011).