Student Solution


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1 University

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1 Subject



Q What do you feel are the most important rules of netiquette that are relevant for this class? Are there any rules of netiquette not mentioned that you think would make the class more productive and constructive for everyone? If so, what netiquette rule would you suggest?

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The concept of netiquette can be considered as network etiquette. The most important rule of netiquette is to remember the human. The cyberspace can be measured as a new culture; therefore, an individual should know how to behave in a new culture (Kozík & Slivová, 2014). Anything is posted by an individual and every person has emotion and feelings. Therefore, one should consider the statement before writing it online as it may affect negatively the other person. It is not nice and right to hurt the feeling of people. There is no need of writing or posting anything that an individual cannot say in face-to-face communication.