Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Narrative Essay Exploratory Draft

Narrative Essay Exploratory Draft

Q This draft is called the exploratory draft because I want you to do just that-- explore. The expectation is not for you to have a fully formed essay at this point, it's for you to organize your in-class writing and your Discussion Board posts to build your narrative. Copy and paste Discussion Board #2 into a word processing file. Using comments from peers, any feedback I've offered, and your notes from class, revise and expand that work into the first draft of your Narrative Essay. This draft should include the story's beginning, middle, and end as well as providing sensory details that put the reader in the world of the story. This draft should be at least 500 words long-- longer than that is fine.

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I would never believe this day would ever happen but it did. My father had a big impact on my