Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 7_study objectives_Autism Concepts and Prince Behavior

Module 7_study objectives_Autism Concepts and Prince Behavior

Q 1. What is syndromal autism? 2. Please read the section on Fragile X and then travel to (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to answer the following and make sure to watch the videos provided on the website. 1. How is Fragile X diagnosed? 2. List 3 signs and symptoms of Fragile X. 3. How many boys and girls does Fragile X affect? 3. Please answer true or false to the following statements about dyslexia. If you select false, please write out the true statement. 1. True or False: Most children who exhibit hyperlexia can read words and sentences late and below their age levels, but their comprehension is usually closer to their mental age or below. 2. True or False: Dyslexia is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition, by poor spelling, and by decoding abilities. 3. True of False: Autism Spectrum Disorder is the most extreme form of dyslexia. 4. According to Thompson (2007), what are possible treatments for an individual diagnosed with Prader-Willi Syndrome? 5. Based on the article by Summers (2012) and Thompson (2007), what are some next steps in determining an effective treatment for an individual with Angelman Syndrome? 6. List at least 3 take away points from the reading related to Tourette Syndrome. 7. Please visit the Mayo Clinic’s website and content related to ADHD: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Please review the content and read the section in the Thompson (2007) text to answer the question below. 1. How do we know if an individual should have a diagnosis of ADHD? 8. Please visit the National Down Syndrome Society’s website and content related to Down Syndrome: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 1. List at least 3 take away points.

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Syndromal Autism is the disorder which is more of the syndrome and causes a person with a lot of restrictions on their day to day living. An individual in this kind of disorder presents a combination of features of autism and also other disability. As all of us are aware of the symptoms of the autism, it can be said that syndromal autism causes the individual to be restricted in most of the areas for performing any kind of tasks.