Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

10 Courses

2 Subjects

Module 2 CASE SLP 4

Module 2 CASE SLP 4

Q Case Assignment Pick one of the following scenarios (A, B, or C) below: 1. You are in charge of a team of architects. They are highly skilled but have strong opinions and do not necessarily follow instructions. These architects are independent thinkers who are used to doing things their own way. 2. You are in charge of a fast-food restaurant. The employees are all teenagers who have not yet graduated from high school, and this is the first job for most of them. 3. You are the supervisor of a team of software engineers. They are all highly skilled and highly motivated and are used to working independently. All of them believe in the mission of the company. and write a 3 full-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) to include 3 scholarly sources from the required or optional reading lists and address the following: 1. What is the Situational Leadership Model, and how can it be used to improve your selected scenario? 2. The Situational Leadership Model involves both “inputs” and “outputs” by taking employee commitment and competency as inputs and then, based on the employee information, selects one of the four Directing, Coaching, Supporting, or Delegating as an output. Create a table comparing and contrasting the four leadership styles (Directing, Coaching, Supporting, or Delegating) in terms of inputs and outputs, and include a 1 or 2 paragraph discussion of your table. 3. Based on your table and the readings, which of the four leadership styles do you think is most useful to the scenario and why? Assignment Expectations 1. Your Case Assignment should be at least 3 full-pages in length (excluding Title and Reference pages). 2. Be sure to cite and reference (Using APA Style) a minimum of 3 scholarly sources listed in the Course Materials and Bibliography (Module 1 Required and Optional Reading List), or in the Module 1 Background Page: Required and Optional Readings. 3. Upload your paper to the Module 1 Case Dropbox before the assignment due date. 4. Include both a References Page and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper , including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC portal. 5.

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A latest organizational change that my organization underwent was a change of leadership. In this organizational change, I was given the leadership role. I have the tendency to build the team based on the people oriented relationship whereas my supervisor focuses on the task orientation. He simply vouches for those who have something better to offer in terms of offering their services. I stand by for the entire team to take part in developing the organizational goals whereas my supervisor who is so bent to get the performance check often tends to forget that human relationship and emotion need to be prioritized to make an overall positive culture