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Module 2 Assignment 3

Module 2 Assignment 3

Q Curtis R. Wilhelm owned beehives and kept the hives on property he owned. John Black, who operated a honeybee business, contracted to purchase some beehives from Wilhelm. Black employed Santos Flores, Sr. to help him pick up the beehives from Wilhelm. Black provided Flores with a protective suit to wear while picking up the beehives. Neither Wilhelm nor Black informed Flores of the danger of working with bees. After picking up beehives from Wilhelm’s home, Black and Flores drove to remote property owned by Wilhelm to pick up other beehives. Flores opened the veil on his protective suit. After loading one beehive onto the truck, Flores started staggering and yelling for help. Flores sustained several bee stings, suffered anaphylactic shock reaction, and died before an ambulance could reach him. Flores’s wife and children sued Wilhelm and Black for negligence for failing to warn Flores of the dangers of working with beehives and the possibility of dying of anaphylactic shock if stung by a bee. Did Wilhelm act negligently by failing to warn Flores of the dangers of working with beehives? Wilhelm v. Flores, 133 S.W.3d 726, Web 2003 Tex. App. Lexis 9335 (Court of Appeals of Texas)

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In reference to the case, I would like to mention that even though the defendant party did deliver some sort of protective suit to the deceased party, it did fail to provide a warning to the plaintiff party regarding the danger of the bee stings. Herein the defendant hold on to the background being aware of the dangers of bee stings and even he was equally aware of the fact that people would even suffer from apoplectic shock due to the stings and can even die because of a single bee stings (Keating, 2019). Thus, in context to this, it can be stated that Wilhelm actually owed a duty of care in setting of a warning about the Flores of the danger behind working with bees the harm it would cause through its stings but still he did remain