Market failure is an economic condition that occur
Module 1 Question 2
Q Discussion Topic
Based on this week’s Bible reading, describe how you see God reacting to human rebellion. Remember to cite the Biblical passages to which you refer.
Hebrews 9:27, after death comes judgment. This judgment is something we would be on the right track to fear. Since we're responsible in our wrongdoing, and there is no doubt except for that God will pass judgment on us that way. In any case, this brings up an issue. What will this judgment resemble? Matthew 13:47-50 "By and by, the realm of paradise resembles a net that was let down into the lake and got a wide range of fish. At the point when it was full, the anglers pulled it upon the shore. Then, at that point they plunked down and gathered the great fish in crates, however discarded the terrible. This is how it will be toward the finish of the age.