Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 1 Economics

Module 1 Economics

Q THE FOLLOWING WILL BE COMPLETED IN OUR CLASS SESSION: First, answer the following: • What is your name? • Where do you currently reside? • Which program are you pursuing? • Do you have any extra-curricular activities or hobbies you would like to share? • What are your expectations for the course? Next, as the summit kicks off, discuss your understanding of how economic concepts affect your everyday life both personally and professionally.

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Hi everyone, I am Israel Martinez. I currently reside in Honolulu, hawaii. I’m pursuing Bachelor's in aviation maitenance management. I love softball, working out and hiking. For the course I’m looking to have a better understanding of the objectives of micro economics. Economics is related to our daily life. The concepts of economics help us to understand the phenomenon that occurs in our daily life. In our decision-making, the economics’ concepts help to understand the reason behind our activities. For example, if I