Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Mini Ecological study 1

Mini Ecological study 1

Q Walk through your neighborhood. Write down the date, time of day, weather, and other information that describes the conditions of the neighborhood during your incursion. Take notes as you tour the neighborhood, identifying streets and places (i.e., schools, libraries, churches, synagogues, hospitals, health centers, precinct, banks, restaurants, community centers, shops, parks, sidewalks and more). Pay close attention to the features of the neighborhood that make it unique. Use a digital camera or any other camera—even the one built into your cellular phone—to take pictures of the things that caught your attention. Include pictures of any areas, devices, and signs in the neighborhood that point people with special needs to designated services, accommodations, and opportunities. Write a 3-5 page observation (descriptive) report and submit it for feedback.

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The lives of human beings have become so busy that they hardly have time to stand and stare. This busy life does not permit people to even look at their neighborhoods. For the Mini Ecological Study, I got a chance to walk through my neighborhood, and notice it after a long time. Even if we pass through our neighborhood, we never get time to observe the place ever, which is a shame, yet a truth of our lives.