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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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milestone one

Milestone One

Q magine that you are a global leader and must create a planned outline of the processes we covered. Planning is the core of project management. A milestone anticipates what the project is supposed to achieve at a preset date. It should describe a desired state of affairs, a desired future situation. There are two important aspects to this. First, the concept refers to a point in time, not a period of time. Second, it looks forward to what we want to create, not how we create it. Milestones should preferably be felt as a natural part of the project. Natural milestones are, for example, normal decisions and consignments within the type of project we are planning. First, select an issue that you want to work on. Think back to the mission and vision statement assignment. What type of global leader or project manager would you like to be to extend this mission and vision? A good start projects is as follows: Portable Retro Game Console with big 7.9-inch display Then, use the following outline template to plan and evaluate your strategies along with your selected global issue. Remember the outline is simply a guide for you to further extract your ideas and innovativeness. Meaning, the planning group within the outline will be your main foundation to illustrate these ideas. You have a choice to modify the template and include as many generic and international strategies as it pertains to your global issue. However, it is mandatory to complete your analysis based on at least two strategies from the provided videos and readings. A good would be the reading that was introduced within this section along with the article Strategic Management in the P-O-L-C Framework | Principles of Management. Make sure to write at least three pages about each strategy after completing the outline. Template: 1. Title 2. Introduction Scope: Keep in mind that the global project is small-scale but select a global issue that you are passionate about and provide a brief summary. The scope must be at least 150 words. Provide some background for the global issue. This section must be at least 250 words. The assignment must have a topic sentence/thesis statement. 3. SWOT Analysis What are the strengths of the project? What are the weaknesses of the project? What are the threats of the project? What are the opportunities of the project? 4. Strategic Framework A. Initiating Identify your stakeholders. (Who is involved in your global project?) Stakeholder 1 Stakeholder 2 Stakeholder 3 Stakeholder 4 B. Planning Provide a step-by-step plan of strategies (generic/international) that you will use to address the SWOT analysis Be sure to provide a brief reason for each strategy selected. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 C. Executing How would you direct and manage the project work? How would you manage quality (if applicable)? How would you develop and manage your global team? How would you manage communication among stakeholders and/or the team? How would you manage risk? D. Monitoring & Controlling How would you monitor the project overall? Give an example of project monitoring as per your vision E. Closing How would you close the global project?

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Title A game that would not only entertain kids but will also help them in learning will have a bigger screen. Introduction Many kids love playing video games and invest a lot of time in playing and that hampers their study time as well. This activity has led to lots of children being detached from their studies. These games are not learning at all and kids do not get to learn anything at all. They just waste their time playing them. This had been a global issue now as kids from all around the globe are facing this issue and parents are worried about their future. There are many educational activities but they just don’t seem to be interested. B