Student Solution


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Q Below is my Mid-term. Must be answered in paragraph/essay form. At least 1-2 paragraph for each answer. Answers are based off much of the readings and student's own research. Must choose at least 4 questions to answer. Extra credit given for all seven questions answered. Due Tuesday, March 24th by 7:00pm. Midterm Questions - Must Choose 4 to answer. Extra credit given if all 7 are answered. Describe the events and issues that led to the Protestant Reformations. How were the magisterial Reformations in Germany, and Switzerland and England similar and different? What aspects made the Anabaptist reformations different from the magisterial reformations? In what ways did the counter reformation respond to protestants and is it even accurate to refer to the Catholic response as a counter reformation? Who were the Puritans, how, when and why did they emerge, what did they believe and how did their beliefs send some of them to America? How did the pietist movements develop and what impact did they have on evangelicalism? Compare and Contrast Jonathan Edwards and Jon Wesley, their conversions, beliefs, involvement in revival and founding of evangelicalism?

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The papacy of the church had become corrupt for which there had to be steps taken. There had been the observance of degradation of the practices of the papacy. Then there had been the event/issue of the Great Schism for which there could not be one pope kept as the supreme authority of the church. Ecclesiastical positions had been made like objects of purchasing as well as selling. The Catholic Church had been criticized for all the ways in which abuse of the clergy had been evident.