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Q Question 1 2 out of 2 points Briefly describe 2 government-imposed barriers to entry that help larger firms avoid some competition, and then explain the impact that these government actions have on consumer prices. Question 2 2 out of 2 points Briefly describe limit pricing and predatory pricing as used by some oligopoly firms, and then explain which form of pricing is more specifically designed to prevent potential firms from entering the market. Question 3 2 out of 2 points Briefly describe behavioral economics, and then explain how it is used to help assess consumer demand. Question 4 2 out of 2 points Distinguish between the short run and long run in terms of variable costs and fixed costs. Question 5 2 out of 2 points Does the pursuit of economic self-interest benefit the economic pursuits of others? Explain why or why not.

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1.The government regulation and use of the patent are two government control barrier that restricts the other firms to enter into the market. But in case of the government-controlled monopoly, like U.S. Postal Service, the price doesn't become as high as the free market monopolies. 2.Both the limit pricing and predatory pricing has been used to reduce the competition from the market, but the predatory pricing is more damaging as it would manipulate the customer choice by reducing the price in excessive amount, When other firms left the market, the firm would increase its price. 3.Understanding the decision-making process is vital for understanding economic, and behavioral economic help understand the psychological factors that influence decisions. In business, marketers need to constantly assess influencers affecting choices and purchases, and through behavioral economics, they can identify patterns and behaviors that affect consumer demands and needs. 4.In the long run, all the costs are said to be variable costs as the costs are part of the different types of inputs which can be varied. There is a period of time in which the costs are not variable and it is called the fixed costs. 5.Yes, the pursuit of economic self-interest benefits the economic pursuits of others. It is believed that competition served as a major curb to excess of self- interest. When a government chooses not to create monopolies, but rather continues to pave the way in order to keep the free markets open, competition can have free reign.