Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject



Q 1. Choose a global industry and explain value within logistics functions to customers in that sector (provide at least two different items that would have value). (MO1)

Q 2. Analyze how managers in your chosen industry might express their business’s performance measures utilizing the value of logistics functions (provide specific measures related to the value of the logistics function). (MO1)

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In the logistics industry, every function is performed at the expense of some of the other costs. Even customer satisfaction requires timely monitoring of goods and safe delivery which does not takes place free of cost. But in order to obtain value customers sometimes becomes willing to pay the additional cost to get their orders delivered early. In such cases, delay in the transit would simply result in waste generation as the good ought to be delivered to the customer no longer holds any value to him (Trent, 2008). To better understand this factor let us consider the