Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

M4 D1 DQ

M4 D1 DQ

Q Reflect upon the following: • Given the nature of their product, do pharmaceutical companies have ethical responsibilities that other corporations don’t have? • In your view, are the large U.S. drug companies good corporate citizens? • When it comes to life-saving drugs, do pharmaceutical companies have a moral obligation to make them available in poor countries at little or no cost? Explain why or why not. Consider the difference between life-saving and non-life-saving drugs. • How does your explanation reflect on the organizations’ need to be socially responsible? • Make sure that you take a theory from the text and use that as the lens by which you analyze the complexity of the situation while answering the questions. • Respond to your peers’ evaluation of the ethical issues associated with the case.

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Hello Everyone, Even if the case 5.2 (Drug Dilemmas) is not taken into consideration; the pharmaceutical companies always have an ethical responsibility compared to other corporations because the common people always entrust them with their life saving equipment. But meanwhile, if we discuss about how the pharmaceutical companies engage into making profits by showing inflated investments into R&D that is not happening in reality is too disturbing.