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M 6.5 Reflection

M 6.5 Reflection

Q In this module, we have had a dual focus on SWOT and transparency. Taking into consideration all that you have learned this week, reflect on the following: Please share your thoughts on one or both of the following questions. • Thinking about SWOTs and other tasks organizations undertake, should we always - or ever - be completely transparent as leaders? How do you find where the line is around transparency? How does this line relate to an inclusive organizational culture as we discussed last module? • You worked on your ethical team peer review this week. How did you feel that it worked? Did you feel that you had enough transparency about what your teammates were doing with their assigned parts of the review process to ensure you had a cohesive review for the other team by the end of the week? How so? Remember: This is a reflection, and there is no requirement to post an essay with citations. Just speak about what you felt and observed as you went through the learning materials and the activities. Be sure to mention specific readings and/or activities so that it’s clear that you are reflecting on your hard work over the module. Evaluation Reflections are worth 5% of your final grade and are assessed using the Reflection Rubric below. This activity is due Sunday by 11:59 pm ET. References Outcomes Reflection Tips Rubric Return to Learning Pathway Rubric SGS_Reflections_Rubric_202008 SGS_Reflections_Rubric_202008 Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion 100 to >84.0 pts Proficient You addressed the considerations with specific examples and thoughtful insight. 84 to >64.0 pts Acceptable You addressed the considerations with some examples and insight. 64 to >0.0 pts Minimally Responsive You addressed the considerations but do not provide examples and offer little insight. 0 pts Unacceptable You did not submit a reflection. 100 pts Total Points: 100 PreviousNext

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Transparency is essential in promoting trust and credibility, and it is typically beneficial for leaders to be as transparent as possible in their decision-making and communication. However, there may be situations where complete transparency is not advisable, such as those involving confidential information, legal issues, or personal privacy concerns. I have done the SWOT, and I need to find the all aspect of the particular organizations. So while finding these strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats we don’t need to be completely transparent.