Student Solution


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Lesson 1 Assignment

Lesson 1 Assignment

Q Step 1: Watch the following youtube video to gather information on Aristotle's appeals: logos, ethos and pathos. (Links to an external site.) Step 2: Choose any print advertisement that contains appeals to logos, ethos and pathos. Step 3: Write a paragraph analyzing how the company uses logos, ethos and pathos to persuade its audience. Attach a copy of the advertisement you chose to analyze.

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The political advertisement features Dale Peterson, who uses his voice, personality, and different Aristotle’s appeals to persuade the voters and pull the audience’s attention (JohnLockePolitics). Dale Peterson starts by introducing himself as a farmer, a businessman, a cop, and a marine. Such an introduction tells the audience that as the person has served in so many noble jobs, he is a trustable person and deserves people’s support. Thus by focusing on the nobility of the person, the advertisement uses ethos as an appeal.