Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Learning Objectives 2

Learning Objectives 2

Q 1. Describe what Hughes et al., suggest is the situation as it relates to leadership. 2. Dr. Cox describes a process for dealing with difficult employees. Briefly describe that process. 3. Can a leader motivate anyone? Fully explain your answer with supporting comments. 4. What is the breakfast of champions? 5. What is the difference in leadership terms between "I" and "We?" 6. Describe what is meant by situational leadership.

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According to Hughes et al., leadership is an interaction between the leaders, the followers, and the situation, and leadership is developed through education and experience. The three-factor framework of the leadership process comprises the leader, the followers, and the situation. They give stress on education and experience that contributes to leadership by analysing the situations. The situation dictates the traits of a leader: personality, intelligence, emotional intelligence which affects the leader's ability.