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Lab Report- Unknown Identification

Lab Report- Unknown Identification

Q INSTRUCTIONS FOR WRITING THE LAB REPORT: Fall 2020 Page I - Cover sheet (5 points) Dr. M. Nahvi In the middle of the page give; Name of your microorganism In the lower right corner provide; ? Your name ? Your Laboratory Section number (BIOL-108 + 3 digits here) ? Date submitted ? Name of your Lecture Instructor Part II – Introduction (5 points) In one to two sentences describe the purpose of identifying unknown bacterial culture in medical field. Name the step by step experiments/procedures that microbiologists follow in order to identify microorganisms. Part III - Methods In this section you are describing in detail all the tests that is done to identify the unknown organism. Gram Stain: (10 points) Explain differences between gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms. Why One group will end up being purple and another group will be a different color. Very briefly describe the steps of Gram stain. Describe the appearance of your organism under the microscope (shape, color). Limit to one or two short paragraphs. Tests to identify Gram-negative organisms: (Total of 20 points) List the name of organisms that you are considering. Describe all the tests in the logical and orderly manner. Start by writing the chemical equations; (ALL OF THE CHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL REACTIONS). Make sure to include all of the following information. ? Accurate name of the test ? Media that must be inoculated in order to identify your organism ? Indicate the type of media; selective, differential, enriched, etc. ? Name of the significant product ? Color changes that represent positive/negative results will be discussed in the Results Section ? Include all other relevant information Tests to identify Gram positive organism; (Total of 20 points) List the name of organisms that you are considering. Describe all the tests in the logical and orderly manner. Catalase test is the second test that must be discussed after Gram stain. Make sure to include all the following information as you are describing each test. ? Accurate name of the test (do not abbreviate) ? Name of media used to perform the test (do not abbreviate) ? Is the media selective, differential, enriched, etc. ? Biochemical reactions (only applicable to catalase test) ? Name of antibiotic used (if any) Part IV - Results: (20 points) In this section you will present the results of all the tests that was done to identify your organism (your observation). In the laboratory we tabulated our results and created a chart (ID Matrix). Here you are describing the result of each test (in your own words). Include the name of Indicator used (if any). Color changes that represent positive/negative results must be mentioned here. Part V - Discussion of Results: (25 points) This is the most important part of your report. DISCUSS all the results. Discuss in a logical and step by step fashion how you concluded that you had a certain microorganism. You need to explain which observation(s) enabled you to identify your unknown microorganism. To convince your reader you need phrases like; ? This observation “suggested” that my organism is E. coli ? This observation “confirmed” that my organism is E. coli Also phrases like; ? This observation “suggested” that my organism is NOT Enterobacter aerogenes Part VI- Significance of your microorganism (one paragraph); (5 points) ? Pathogen, resident flora, or opportunist microorganism ? Diseases caused (if any) ? Symptoms ? Treatment ? Other related information Part VI – References (5 points) Include a list of sources you used for your report. You should always give credit to a source. Overall organization (5 points) Report is easy to follow and contains all the subcategories in a logical order. Grammar and spelling count

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When grown on a variety of media, microorganisms will exhibit the difference in the microscopic appearance of their broth. These differences are called cultural characteristics and are used as a basis for separating microorganism into taxonomic groups.