Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Lab Question Set 1: microscopy and staining

Lab Question Set 1:  microscopy and staining

Q ntroduction and Instructions: This assignment consists of answering a set of questions covering the lab topics of safety, microscopy, smears and stains. There are five question groups relative to different lab topics: 1-microscopy, 2-staining, 3-gram stain, 4-endospore stain, and 5-acid-fast stain. Please answer each set of questions on a separate document and upload a word or pdf. file to the Canvas assignment link by the deadline.

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1. Microscopy: (8pts)(2pts/ea) a. Why is it desirable that microscope objective lenses be parfocal? The parfocal microscope objectives remain in focus even when magnification is changed from a lower to the higher power objective. Therefore, the objective lense must be parfocal  so one can change lenses without losing focus.