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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Lab Assignment 11

Lab Assignment 11

Q Prepare and start up "C" plant according to procedure. Catch feedstock and product samples. Run the samples on the polarimeter to be compared with the instructors results. write a report detailing the start-up procedure for the plant how does the reactor work? What is the catalyst in the reactor? How do we prepare the feedstock to be sent into the plant? How do we prepare the reactor for service? I want to know what you know about "C" plant. How did the samples compare? Why do you think the readings changed? Did the readings change? In your opinion, is the reactor operating?

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The first thing was we turned on the unit and turned on the air-water pressure, and then we told the radio that he would turn it on with us, and after we made sure that the control room turned on everything with us, we told him to open the FV 301 to put it at a level of 100%. Something worked first before we started working, and after we made sure that everything was working, we opened the value 304, then we opened the TE304, and then we turned on the HS 302, and after we turned on these values, we stopped working for a quarter of an hour, and after a quarter of an hour later we went to work the value E 303 When I opened it, we had a malfunction in the tank. It became too strong and the pressure of the water became too strong for us.