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Q Assignment Content 1. Resources: Leadership Theories Grading Guide As a leader, you often need to display or clarify a concept. A matrix is a grid that contains information and offers a visual model of ideas. For this assignment, you will create a matrix that explains leadership theories. Research the following five leadership theories, and include these in your matrix. Use the provided Leadership Theories Matrix: o Trait theories of leadership o Behavioral theories of leadership o Contingency models of leadership o Skills approaches to leadership o Situational methods of leadership Develop the definition and characteristics of various leadership theories and approaches to leadership (trait leadership, behavioral leadership, contingency leadership, skills leadership, and situational leadership). Provide one or more examples to support the definition or characteristics of each form of leadership. Write out your explanations in each section using about 350 words for each section. Format your Leadership Theory Matrix with the template and consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment. Resources: o Center for Writing Excellence o Reference and Citation Generator o Grammar and Writing Guides

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University of Phoenix Material Theory Definition/Characteristics Examples Trait Leadership This kind of leadership theory is characterized by the aspect that every individual has a specific characteristic which defines whether the individual can become a leader or not (Deshwal & Ashraf Ali, 2020). Therefore, there cannot be leadership qualities present in an individual if the qualities are not inborn. The trait leadership provides evidence of developing a belief that some individuals are chosen to be leaders and therefore, they have to be born with the leadership qualities (Deshwal & Ashraf Ali, 2020). These leadership qualities are believed to be absent in individuals not chosen and not born with leadership qualities/traits (Deshwal & Ashraf Ali, 2020). This leadership theory is based on assumption and not on the aspect of observing an individual acquire leadership skills to be a true leader. Even if a leader tries to learn from other leaders and/r followers, that leader will not be considered to be a leader by the definition of a leader as per this theory of leadership. There has to be something different present in the character of an individual from birth which can make the individual stand out from the rest to qualify as a leader as per this theory. The suitability of leading followers by individuals with innate leadership trats has been considered to be higher than the suitability of individuals not born with innate leadership qualities (Deshwal & Ashraf Ali, 2020). An example of a perfect leader as per the definition of a leader by the trait theory of leadership would be Steve Jobs. This is because there had been several individuals apart from his followers who had been influenced and impacted by the leadership qualities of Steve Jobs. There had been innate leadership qualities present in Steve Jobs and that is why he could lead his life to doing something related to his passion. The leadership vision can be present in trait leaders innately leading to followers being able to follow them completely (Deshwal & Ashraf Ali, 2020). Followers can get motivated from such leaders because of excellent leadership traits shown by such leaders, especially during crisis or even change-management situations.