Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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King Week 4 Dq 1 2

King Week 4 Dq 1 2

Q From the lecture notes, discuss word wars and how personal expectations affect parenting, friendships, marriages, and family relationships. How can the misuse of words affect one’s career and one’s life trajectory? Reflect on your personal experiences where applicable.Based upon the readings and lectures thus far, discuss your view on the nature of sin and its effects on relationships. How does sin play a role in friendships, parenting, marriages, the workplace, and what is God’s plan of redemption?

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Words once used cannot be taken back and that is possibly why the proverb goes that we should think before we speak. Unfortunately I as a human am never abusive in my language but my greatest drawback is undoubtedly my anger. Once and when I am angry it happens such that irrespective of however hard I attempt I am hardly in my own control. Have lost my best friend for the same reason and I still regret when I think about the same. Once while we were out for a shopping trip she was somehow not in the right frame of mind. I had been trying to cheer her up and whatever I was trying to do that almost always turning into a failed attempt.