Q Question 1: What are the three areas of concern around which Sandel says Justice revolves? What are the meanings of each?Question 2: Explain the arguments surrounding price gouging after the hurricane. What was the major argument against it, how did pro-marketers defend it, and how did Crist respond? Do you think that these exchanges reflected free choice?Question 3: Explain the moral relevance of the debate over the Purple HeartQuestion 4: When it comes to the bail-out issue, what does Sandel think is the issue with the greed critique? What does he say is the real source of anger at the bail-outs?Question 5: In the trolley case, do you think that there IS a moral difference between pushing a man off of a bridge to stop the trolley and turning the trolley? If so, then what is that difference?Question 6: In the goatherd case, what do you think that you would have done in Luttrell's position? Remember, this means NOT knowing the facts of the case in the moment.Question 7: What does Sandel say that moral reflection consists of? What does he say that it requires to be successful?
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