Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Isaiah Rangel 7.5

Isaiah Rangel 7.5

Q • Prepare a 2-3 page case study that outlines a process to implement international standards for aircraft maintenance and operations systems and procedures. • Present at least two 'roadblocks' to international standardization and offer your thoughts on potential solutions. • Include additional research and resources to support your case study. • The assignment should be written according to the Writing Style Guide, written in current APA format. This includes a title page, header, page numbers, restatement of the title on the top line above the introduction, conclusion, a reference page (at least 3 references), and all in-text and reference citations. Resources Utilize the following resources: (Links to an external site.) • Don't Let This Happen to You! (U.S. Department of Commerce) (Links to an external site.) • Bureau of Industry and Security from the US Department of Commerce (Links to an external site.) • Creating an Effective Export Compliance Program (YouTube/7:24) (Links to an external site.) • Building Linkages for Export Success (ISO) (Links to an external site.) • Building Trust: The Conformity Assessment Toolbox (ISO) (Links to an external site.) • ISO/TC 20 Business Plan (ISO) (Links to an external site.) • ISO Snapshot: Aircraft and Space Vehicles (ISO) (Links to an external site.) • Dealing with Challenges in the Aircraft Maintenance Business (YouTube/9:21) (Links to an external site.) Submission Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters. Review the evaluation rubric for detailed grading criteria.

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The maintenance of every type of diversified airplane can be expensive for owners. However, the lack of compliance shown to some form of standardization of maintenance operations in the aviation industry can lead to development of new risks for passengers and crew members. The ground staff members can also be at risk when aircraft maintenance is not done efficiently. There can be different stages of implementation of aircraft maintenance required to be dealt with carefully by crew members and management of aviation organizations.