Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Introduction to Psychology 2.1

Introduction to Psychology 2.1

Q Before the advent of modern imaging techniques, scientists and clinicians relied on autopsies of people who suffered brain injury with resultant change in behavior to determine how different areas of the brain were affected. What are some of the limitations association with this kind of approach? How does it differ in terms of modern approaches?

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Brain imaging is done in order to serve purposes such as the imaging of the parts of the brain. The reason to certain mental illnesses, the effect of certain injuries and also, the attainment of a clearer picture regarding the roles of different parts of the brain in different kinds of human functions are some of the purposes. Imaging is of two kinds, one aims at the different functions of imaging, and another aims at the different types where we see that there are many differences between the people who have a certain area working and another person with that brain area damaged. It is hard to differentiate.