Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Interview Paper

Interview Paper

Q Instructions To better understand the entrepreneurial process and apply the concepts learned in class to a real case, you will conduct an interview with a local entrepreneur. Interview questions are attachedPreview the document. Here is what you need to do for this assignment: Evaluate what you have learned and write a two-page paper, 1.5 spaced (interview paper). The paper must focus on the following: Analyzing what the entrepreneur has said and identifying interesting or unusual ideas or concepts. Comparing what the entrepreneur said to what we discussed about entrepreneurs in class. Are they similar, different, why? Reflecting on what the entrepreneur has said. What was the most interesting and surprising things you learned from the entrepreneur? The analysis must be based on two or three selected topics, e.g., writing a business plan, having entrepreneurial parents, primary motivation to start the business, and being prepared to start the business. Write a Thank You note to the entrepreneur. You are not required to submit the Thank You Note. ?

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An information interview can be considered as a wonderful way of network and a perfect way to learn something new about it. In this paper, there will be a detailed discussion on interviewing an entrepreneur. This paper will also explore the ideas and concepts entrepreneurship and the struggle of the entrepreneur in a proper manner. The name of the entrepreneur is Mishalia Gumb. This individual started a bakery business 4 years ago in a small locality of Chicago. She runs this business as full-time and she has total 4 employees to help her in business. This paper is not only a solid question answer type information, rather it will involve an evaluation of the interviewing of an entrepreneur in a suitable way.