Student Solution


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Individual Project- Part 1_Human Resource Development

Individual Project- Part 1_Human Resource Development

Q • Part 1 of the assignment must be a minimum of eight pages full pages of narrative, plus the title page and references list. Submitting 7.9 pages of typed narrative or less will result in a substantial grading penalty. The required title page and required references page do not count toward the minimum page count. • Always begin written assignments with a title page, typed in 12-point Times New Roman fonts. This must include the title of paper, your name, course number, course name, university name, professor’s name, and date submitted. • This is a scholarly, formal graduate-level paper that must be written in narrative prose (Narrative prose = grammatically correct paragraphs with smooth transitions and Level 1 headings; no bullets or numbered lists.) The narrative should describe any materials or handouts that would be used in the proposed training program. Do not create powerpoints, or paste screenshots of powerpoints or handouts into the body of the paper; instead, describe any training powerpoints or handouts in the narrative (main body). • A Table of Contents is required for this assignment. This must follow the title page and precede the Introduction section. A Table of Contents provides the reader with a summary of the page numbers on which key content appears, and is not the same as an outline. • The Introduction section must include a thesis statement and a clear overview of the paper’s contents. • The Introduction, Conclusion and all remaining sections must be organized under Level 1 headings (centered, boldface, with uppercase and lowercase letters – see pp. 62-63 of the APA manual about Level 1 headings). The transitions between paragraphs and sections must be clear and distinct. • The main content of Training Program Package (Part 1), between the Introduction and Conclusion sections, must include a lesson plan (see pp. 152ff of textbook) and training materials (narrative describing handouts, presentation, etc. - but not screenshots of power points, etc.). The main content section must likewise include a thorough analysis of the topic. The issues raised in the topic must be properly treated, and differing viewpoints must be considered and analyzed. Do not paste graphics, models, illustrations, logos, screen shots, power points, or anything that someone else created into this assignment. All work must be your original work for this course. Exceptions cannot be made. • Do not paste power points into the paper, or type bullet-point lists or numbered lists. The body of your paper must be at least eight full and complete pages of graduate-level narrative prose. • The Conclusion section must include a good summary of issues treated in the paper, and offer suggestions for further study. • Reference list required. The References list (beginning on a new, separate page following the narrative) must include at least two scholarly references, dated 2013 through 2018, plus the course textbook. The APA format requires that you insert in-text citations at the correct places in the narrative each and every time someone else influenced your work, and when you use the ideas, statistics, terms or information of others. • Current literature only: In terms of academic scholarship, articles published within the past five years are considered current. For the training project, you must find articles dated 2013 through 2018. Much has changed in Human Resources Management theory and practice since the 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s, and early 2000’s – therefore, find scholarly articles from journals dated 2013 through 2018 – published within the past five years. • Scholarly references only – No dot.coms, dot.nets, dot.orgs, wiki’s, blogs, newspapers, web pages, etc. Graduate students must go to the scholarly literature for their references, such as the articles published in academic, scholarly journals available through the Liberty University online library databases.

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The main focus of this particular training is to bring attention to the teambuilding procedures between the management and the employees that will help in accomplishing the goal of the organization. As it is a small organization, the major aim as a trainer would be to make sure that there are some valuable results on the training processes that can help the overall increase in the business of the organization. Most of the organizations opt for training programs so that they are able to improve the overall quality and productivity of the employees and are also able to motivate them to achieve their financial gains.