Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Identifying Individual Needs

Identifying Individual Needs

Q 1. What did you learn about Special Education in South Dakota? In your perspective how do you think Special Education and the general classroom overlap? 2. What are some ways that you see yourself assessing for individual differences in the classroom? Discuss at least 3 strategies. 3. Discuss the need for understanding individual differences of your students. What is the difference between a student who needs special education and a student who can succeed with individualized instruction?

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It has been understood that South Dakota takes it Special Education very seriously and the Department of Education have different portals that offer different kinds of opportunities to the disabled people. It has been further learnt that South Dakota employs quite a huge number of special education students for serving schools across various districts. The South Dakota Department of Education (SDDE) takes special attention in delivering proper kinds of education to the disabled people so that they never miss an opportunity to learn and grow.