Student Solution


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Homework 5_

Homework 5

Q Research each of the following four topics and submit your answers in a document in .docx (Word) format. 1. How does the equivalence principle lead us to suspect that spacetime might be curved? 2. If general relativity offers the best description of what happens in the presence of gravity, why do physicists still make use of Newton’s equations in describing gravitational forces on Earth (when building a bridge, for example)? 3. If a black hole itself emits no radiation, what evidence do astronomers and physicists have that the theory of black holes is correct? 4. What is a gravitational wave and why was it so hard to detect? Your submission should be one to two pages, 12-point font, double spaced. Please include your last name in the document filename.

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There must be striking of the wall of space by a light beam (Guidry, 2019). However, the emission of this light beam must be from the orbiting spacecraft. The striking motion must be at the specific height of emission of the light beam. However, the reaching of the height of emission is impossible if there cannot be the curving down of light in the path of the motion of the spacecraft. Therefore, the curved path of the spacecraft is followed by light while it travels in spacetime.